This blog post QA should improve or fix the following:

  1. The category below the title would become square with rounded corner – done
  2. The categories should be clickable and with gradient – done
  3. Ideally, when there is a second line of categories, theres good top spacing – QA pending
  4. The images will have a rounded corner. – done
  5. Ideally, this should include the gallery images’ corner as well – QA pending
  6. The paragraph’s margin top should be removed – done
  7. The table should be styled. – done
  8. On Learn page, the pagination spacing should be fixed. – QA Pending
  9. Date format: Month DD, YYYY instead of Mon DD, YYYY- QA Pending

In this review, I uploaded an example of a living room and asked roomy to do a virtual staging for me in a mid-century modern style. The sign-up was easy and quick and, although they noted that it would take 2-3 working days to get results, in fact, they delivered a treated image after 12 hours via a friendly email that contained a link to a shared google folder.

H3 Furniture Library 

Strangely enough, it appears that Rooomy doesn’t have a furniture library for virtual staging. They have a good selection of items for the interior design app, but not when you are working with the online virtual staging service.

They offer eight different styles for the staging, including farmhouse, scandinavian, traditional, and one labeled transitional too (not sure what that refers to though, college? elderly?). 

The ‘Room Function’ category where you choose what kind of room you’re decorating, is quite comprehensive. There are around 30 different selections, including quite specific options like ‘teenage bedroom’, ‘balcony’, and ‘media room’. 

But it is a bit odd that you can’t look at specific pieces of furniture beforehand. 

H2 – Furniture Library 

Strangely enough, it appears that Rooomy doesn’t have a furniture library for virtual staging. They have a good selection of items for the interior design app, but not when you are working with the online virtual staging service.

They offer eight different styles for the staging, including farmhouse, scandinavian, traditional, and one labeled transitional too (not sure what that refers to though, college? elderly?). 

1 Column Table

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Strangely enough, it appears that Rooomy doesn’t have a furniture library for virtual staging. They have a good selection of items for the interior design app, but not when you are working with the online virtual staging service.
They offer eight different styles for the staging, including farmhouse, scandinavian, traditional, and one labeled transitional too (not sure what that refers to though, college? elderly?). 
Row 4
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Short 2-Column Table

This is 1st column headingThis is the 2nd column heading
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Longer and Multiple columns Table

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Longer title for heading with two lines or more is added here
Rowworking with the online virtual staging serviceRowRow
working with the online virtual staging serviceRowRowRow

working with the online virtual staging service

working with the online virtual staging service

Strangely enough, it appears that Rooomy doesn’t have a furniture library for virtual staging. They have a good selection of items for the interior design app, but not when you are working with the online virtual staging service.
They offer eight different styles for the staging, including farmhouse, scandinavian, traditional, and one labeled transitional too (not sure what that refers to though, college? elderly?). 

Strangely enough, it appears that Rooomy doesn’t have a furniture library for virtual staging. They have a good selection of items for the interior design app, but not when you are working with the online virtual staging service.
They offer eight different styles for the staging, including farmhouse, scandinavian, traditional, and one labeled transitional too (not sure what that refers to though, college? elderly?).